Últimos registros ingresados en BDENF | Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería Biblioteca Virtual en Salud Enfermería

Resultados: 7

Unveiling the strategies used by women for confronting marital violence

ABSTRACT Objective: to unveil the strategies used by women for confronting marital violence. Method: a qualitative research using the Straussian orientation of the Data Grounded Theory as a theoretical-methodological framework and two Justice Courts for Peace at Home as its scenario. Data was collect...

Perfil de adolescentes grávidas com história de violência doméstica

Rev Rene (Online); 14 (2), 2013
Estudo quantitativo, com objetivo de caracterizar as adolescentes grávidas quanto aos aspectos sócio-demográficos, ginecológicos e obstétricos e a vivência de violência doméstica. Os sujeitos foram 34 adolescentes grávidas que realizavam pré-natal no município de São Francisco do Conde (BA, B...

Expressão da violência intrafamiliar: história oral de adolescentes

Texto & contexto enferm; 26 (4), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: desvelar as expressões da violência intrafamiliar vivenciadas por adolescentes. Método: estudo com abordagem qualitativa que utilizou como referencial metodológico a história oral. Foram entrevistadas(os) oito adolescentes matriculadas(os) em uma escola pública de Salvador, Bahia...

The social network for confronting conjugal violence: representations of women who experience this health issue

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (2), 2015
This qualitative research, grounded in Social Representations Theory, aimed to describe, based on the representations of women with a history of undergoing conjugal violence, the elements which constitute the social support network for confronting this health problem. Interviews were held with 11 women w...

Situations which precipitate conflicts in the conjugal relationship: the women's discourse

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (4), 2014
This study aimed to analyze the situations that precipitate and/or intensify conflicts in the conjugal relationship. Interviews were held with 19 women experiencing conjugal violence. The Discourse of the Collective Subject was used as the method of organization, making it possible to find the central id...

Representations about suicide of women with history of domestic violence and suicide attempt

Texto & contexto enferm; 23 (1), 2014
Suicide attempt is characterized by complex and multifaceted phenomena with significance on global public health. The aim of this study was to grasp the structure of social representations of suicide of women with history of domestic violence and suicide attempt. The study was developed with a qualitativ...

Identification of violence in the conjugal relationship based on the Family Halth Strategy

Texto & contexto enferm; 22 (3), 2013
Estudo qualitativo cujo objetivo foi analisar o processo de identificação da violência conjugal por profissionais da Estratégia Saúde da Família de São Francisco do Conde/Salvador-BA. Entrevistaram-se 22 profissionais (médicos, enfermeiros, assistentes sociais e cirurgiões-dentistas) e após anÃ...